Not forsaking the gathering together
Recent " Dear Network" messages.
PCM and the patience of the saints
Dear Network,
Who is an active PCM?
The active PCMs are listed here.
There are people who say they want to be a part of this effort to form a living network seeking the kingdom.
There are people who are elected to be PCMs.
We are looking for those who are doers, both electors and electees.
To be a contact minister it is important to do more than get elected.
Everyone who is elected is expected to give us a picture we can use on the net and a blurb about themselves and why they are here. This simple task is the beginning of a chain of evidence of their conviction is to "BE" a PCM.
There are several people who have been elected PCMs who have not done that which is the minimum evidence of their intent....
to do the job... They will not be added until they provide those simple testimonies of their intent.
What a PCM is expected to do is listed at:
In the past we have had people try to elect their wives and even themselves as their own Personal Contact Minister. That does not work.
PCM are to connect people in the PCM network and are given additional information and access to the network. Then we will present them as active PCMs on the network so that others may choose them.
We have removed individuals from the list above because they made little or no effort to be in contact with the network or even just used the network to build their own congregations with little or no effort to be a part of the whole network.
No activity for months will certainly bring your presence as an active PCM into question. Responses like "I just want to be on the sidelines." or "I only want to serve those I love." are certain to get you removed from the PCM active list. The PCM group is a working group for doers...
If someone wants to be a PCM in the network they should be willing to manifest that desire by some common effort with the other PCMs. We need to see contact ministers making contact.
The list is our testimony that these people are part of a living Network and are willing to work and cooperate as coordinating ministers of that network...
The election is only the first record of that intent to have an individual as a PCM but the picture and the blurb in an email is the first evidence they want to be a PCM ... Just saying they want to be a contact minister is not enough ... there must be continuing evidence in their doings or we cannot honestly add them to the page of other contact ministers....
It is up to those who elect and those who are elected to give us the evidence of their sincere desire to be a part of this network so that we can testify that they are who they say they are on the Contact Minister page.......
Every PCM should make some effort to be in contact with the rest of the network on a regular basis. One way to do that is that they pick a contact minister who is already picked by others PCMs or wants to be a PCM for the other PCMs.
In the matter of PCMs picking PCMs it is important that every PCM choose a PCM also sees the importance of cooperation as a networking group with all the other PCMs.
They need to give us evidence that they intend to do this job of networking people together.
A PCM orthe overseer of othe contact ministers are a part of a network. Each one plays and important psrt of the whole net. Those who elect them must be diligent in their choice to choose those who intend to that particular job.
Time is running out.
What can you do?
Start helping one another find others who will hear and do.
Form the living network by joining the groups in your area.2
Pick someone [PCM]3 to help make contact with the others on those groups.
Seek to form Congregations of Record4 that connect one with another in their own grid of faith, hope and charity.
Don't be a foolish virgin, or bury your talent in the ground, or fail to come to the wedding feast.
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What is a Personal Contact Minister
What do they do?
How do I elect a Personal Contact Minister
Contact Minister Election Form
Who are the Personal Contact Ministers
Some of the Local Contact Ministers
Mapping the Network
A project of the chosen Contact Ministers
Guidelines and Purpose
The Living Network groups.
Dear Network Messages
Some messages to the Living Network groups.
The Real Network
Church Records